

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This Weekend!

Sooooo.... guess where I'm heading this weekend...??? (Scroll down for the answer)


TA DA!!!!

That's right! Beautiful, sunny, luxurious MIAMI!!!!!

My brother and his fiancé are getting married in May in Sonoma Valley, CA (pics to come from that awesome time coming in 2014!!)

But, before they do, they need a photographer to take their engagement photos, and who did they ask to fill this big responsibility??? Yours truly.

I am BEYOND excited to take the pictures for them and especially when I'll have such a great backdrop to work with!

I've ordered a reflector - one of those 5-in-1 ones that looks like this:

It'll be my first time using one of these, but I think it'll make a HUGE difference in my shots, especially the outdoor ones. I'm still learning about proper lighting and exposure (and there is A LOT to learn!) but I can't wait to take this puppy out and start practicing with it!

I want these photos to be amazing for them, and I'm going to try my hardest to make sure I don't let them down.

So, hopefully, I'll come back with some awesome shots!! Be sure to check back soon to take a look, as I'll be putting the best ones on here for your enjoyment :)

Happy Snapping!